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Kemelut Di Majapahit Pdf Download
kemelut di majapahit pdf download is an Indonesian historiography written in Old Javanese found in the East Java language. It mainly talks about the Majapahit kingdom during the reign of king Jayanegara.It was originally thought to be only a single book, but many more have been discovered over time, all of which tell different parts of Javanese history at various periods. Some date back to before the Majapahit empire while others were written after the empire had fallen. All are similar in content and seem to draw from a single source. The content of the Kemanuh is as follows:
The manuscript is stored as "Kemelut" in the collection of the National Library of Indonesia.
In 2010, a copy of this book was translated into English by Robert W. Hefner and Robert Cribb. They titled it “Echoes from Old Java: The Kârnaḥ and other Kâlâm Texts”, University of Hawaii Press.
https://www.academia. edu/8990774/Echoes_from_Old_Java__The_Krânaḥ_and_other_Kâlâm_Texts
In 2017, a modern translation was published by K. A. Sapiens-Palm under the title "The Kemanuh: A Translation and Commentary" ().
https://www.academia.edu/40445525/Sapiens-Palm,%20K._A._(2017)._The_Kemanuh:%20A%20Translation%20and%20Commentary_. In 2018, a translation of the manuscript was done by Tohpati Nasio. It was published by Indonesian History Press under the title "Kemanuh: A Historical Source of the Majapahit Kingdom".
In 2018, a translation of the manuscript was done by Dika Setiawan under the title "The Kemanuh: A Source for Modern Indonesian History".
https://www.academia. edu/38116389/The_Kemanuh_A_source_for_modern_Indonesian_History
In 2018, a translation of the manuscript was done by Kusnanto Wajoko under the title "Kemanuh: Sebuah Pengantar Ilmu Jawa".
In 2018, a translation of the manuscript was done by Dawood Syafii Labib under the title "Kemanuh: Sebuah Pengantar Ilmu Jawa".
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